Midnight Mystery Theater's The Case of the Missing Scarlett

by Miss Violet DeVille September 14 Performance

From Midnight Mystery Theater's 2019 show The Case of the Missing Beagle

From Midnight Mystery Theater's 2019 show
The Case of the Missing Beagle
at the Palace Theater and Art Bar

This is exciting! Tomorrow night I'm doing a radio play over Zoom! I'll be in the Midnight Mystery Theater's Annual Women's show, The Case of the Missing Scarlett!! For your entertainment, I will be playing not just one character but four!

It’s another madcap mystery, this time in Hollywood with Hollywood Private Eye Helena Handbasket, and a cast of zany characters, all played by the talented ladies of MMT and beyond!

Joining me in this screwball comedy is Gail Wamba Flynn-Kibbey as Helena Handbasket, Lindsey Dabek, Maureen Hawkins, Melissa Henderson, Bonnie Hillman, and Jane Martin! Bob Blumenthal is mixing our music and Josh Flynn-Kibbey is providing the sound effects!!

The house opens at 8:25 PM and the last guests will be admitted at 8:35 PM – please be there by that time so we can let you into our show.

Here's the Zoom link so you can see then show! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88527622387?pwd=T3dSTGNyNU5rR1VCODEwQzN0UGRWQT09

I hope you'll join us. These shows are always a lot of fun! 

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