Saturday, during my Eastern Sea Broad Tour, I'll be going doing to the DC Punk Rock Flea Market at St. Stephens on 1525 Newton St. NW in Washington DC from noon to 5:00 pm. Admission is free with a canned food donation to We Are Family DC.
Madame DeVille and I have been working on growing new specimens of cranial horticulture!
I'm excited to be heading to my second in-person convention since the pandemic has had us in its grip. I will be vending with Trollop Labs at The Unconvention in Iselin, NJ at the APA Woodbridge Hotel.

We're bringing our wares (wears?) to New Jersey's own Convention for the Unconventional, a convention for ALL creatures of the dark!
hell week \ ˈhel wēk \ (noun) Hell week, also called technical week, tech week, tech, techweek, and production week, is the week prior to the opening night of a play, musical or similar production in which all of the technical elements (such as costumes, lights, sound, set and makeup) are present during rehearsal for the first time.
I'm am safe ensconced in my host's home up here in Vancouver as we prepare for the opening of the Geekender's Neverland Night Circus run for the Vancouver Fringe Festival. We spent a few hours last night blocking my scene--figuring out how I'm moving--and what bits of business we're going to be doing with my character.
And who am I? Why, only the fairy mother of the night, midwife to sleeper’s dreams, Queen Mab. A simple “your majesty” will suffice.
Tonight is tech rehearsal. The plan is to run the show at least 3 times tonight. The Neverland Night Circus is an immersive piece of theater, set up in a similar fashion to haunted attractions, where groups of audience members walk from scene to scene which enforces social distancing and small groups in this time of plague. I'm super excited about this innovative approach to managing COVID risk in the theater.
The Neverland Night Circus is a retelling of the Peter Pan story. It's delightful and innovative in its telling.
"Come away with me."
You hesitate... But who doesn't want to run away with the circus?
You escape to a big top lost outside of time, an ephemeral spectacle that springs up every night at dusk in an explosion of music and glitter, only to disappear again as sunbeams crawl over the morning horizon. Audience members will follow that perpetual boy to meet scintillating mermaids, beautiful fairies, and the hopeful Wendy, deciding as she does whether to stay in Neverland... or to fly away home.
The Neverland Night Circus at the Vancouver Fringe Festival opens Friday night, September 10th, and continues through the 19th. Tickets are $15 and the show runs for about an hour. Tickets are available here.

Come run away with me. The circus beckons you to join us!